Immersion Blog # 5 - Its Final...

For this week May 22 - 26, its final.. I have learned so much in my Industry Immersion under the supervision of my mentor Sir Samuel. 

As scheduled on my immersion blueprint it is the week of making of the research compendium of all the previous research papers submitted and immersion portfolio and wait for the immersion grade when all the requirements are submitted.
For this week i want to thank again the the persons who helped me a lot in my immersion. I have learned and gained so much knowledge from the people who helped especially to my mentor Sir Samuel.  This immersion is an addition to my experience that can mold me up to become a professional.  Moreover, having a mentor who is understanding  and supportive is a great help to students like me to become more productive in study.

Together with my mentor Sir Samuel taken during the last day of immersion
In  conclusion, I have learned a lot from my Industry Immersion under the supervision and guidance of Sir Samuel. 
To God be the glory..


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