Disseration Blog #1 – One Step Closer to Dissertation 1

This blog is for my dissertation concept..

As a part of our immersion, Dr Ruji P. Medina requires us also to have a separate blog for our dissertation. I still remember when I enrolled in the Doctor in Information Technology Program at the TIP you need to pass concept paper together with all the requirements needed for me to enroll.  The paper that I have submitted is related to the area of Network Security. 

For now I’m deciding that the paper that I have submitted to one of my professor in the DIT program to continue what I have started on that research with the use of image processing on the counting of silkworm egg. I have read also some of the reviews I have incorporated on that research.

On the other hand, one of the staff suggested that if I can also consider the use of image processing in detecting the fertility of egg through the use of other algorithm.

This are all my considerations for my concept in Disseration 1. 
 Trust in the Lord at All Cost
"In Order to Succeed We Must First Believe that We Can" - Nikos Kazantzakis


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