Immersion Blog # 4 - Almost Final...

This week May 15 - 19, 2017. This is my fourth blog. This blog is about my immersion at the Municipality of Bacnotan at the Municipal Agriculture Office, Bacnotan, La Union. This relates about my involvement while doing my immersion as a Doctorate student at TIP Quezon City taking up Doctor in Information Technology. I have met some of the persons whom I can ask also for the assistance while I'm doing my research study.
This week also i have presented my study to my mentor sir Samuel for the revisions and adding some important things that will be included on my study. And its the time of the presentation of the developed system "Farmers Profile Information System". After presenting the system and done some revisions based on the comments and suggestions, I have deployed the developed system.  All I have 
done this week is to present my output/ research study including the developed system to my mentor.  
I want thank the persons who helped me a lot during my immersion, all I can say is thank you very much. I have learned and gained so much knowledge from you. Another experience that mold me up to become a professional.



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